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3252G 20


Prod. SCU - Orig. Weller

Industrial stylus type, with piezoelectric ignition and controlled temperature. Use with butane.Temperature controlled through gas inlet variations. Rapid reaching of pre-set temperature (approx. 30 seconds). Suitable for welding and brazing. Tip temperature ranges from 350 °C to 500 °C. Autonomy of operation 180 min. approx. per charge. Total length 250mm. Supplied with 1 screwdriver tip 3mm. for welding, 1 air nozzle with diameter 5.7mm, sponge, bench stand, gas aerosol and wrench.

In metal box.

For BUTANE GAS aerosols see Art. 3252 G 75.

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
3252G 20 - GAS SOLDERING IRONS - Prod. SCU - Orig. Weller
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtyCod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)3252G 20€ 538,001 0.54