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Orig. Hartner

DIN 333

DIN 333. Form A. Cutting angle 118°.
For drilling metals and steel. 60° countersink taper.

HSS. Right-hand cutting.

Art. 8600 G 0.5 and 0.8mm are supplied with one cutting edge only.

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
8600G - CENTRE DRILLS - Orig. Hartner8600G - CENTRE DRILLS - Orig. Hartner
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtyTip Ø
Body Ø
Overall length
Cod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)8600G 0.5€ 14,4010,53,1525Più dettagli831000.001
(*)8600G 0.8€ 13,9010,83,1525Più dettagli831000.001
(*)8600G 1€ 12,80113,1531,5Più dettagli831000.001
(*)8600G 1.25€ 14,8011,253,1531,5Più dettagli831000.001
(*)8600G 1.6€ 12,8011,6435,5Più dettagli831000.002
(*)8600G 2€ 12,1012540Più dettagli831000.003
(*)8600G 2.5€ 14,4012,56,345Più dettagli831000.004
(*)8600G 3.15€ 20,3013,15850Più dettagli831000.01
(*)8600G 4€ 29,30141056Più dettagli831000.03
(*)8600G 5€ 41,301512,563Più dettagli831000.06
(*)8600G 6.3€ 60,4016,31671Più dettagli831000.1
(*)8600G 8€ 95,40182080Più dettagli831000.14
(*)8600G 10€ 191,0011025100Più dettagli831000.184

Accessories - Spare parts
