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Prod. SCU

In strong sisal and cotton.
With attachment hole Ø mm 19.1 and keyway. Suitable for the most common grinders, polishers and satin finishers. For brushing the abrasive marks on metal and non-metal surfaces, thus preparing the polishing with soft cotton or felts. To be used in combination with abrasive pastes (Art. 1834 A - 1834 B - 1834 D). To form a brush measuring 100x100 mm, 7 discs are needed.

For electric satin finishers see Art. 1691 G - 1691 GE.

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
1833T - COTTON DISCS - Prod. SCU
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtyØ and thickness
Cod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)1833T€ 10,201100x14 0.08

Accessories - Spare parts
