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Prod. SCU

Aluminum oxide type on synthetic fibre cloth support, light, resistant, very flexible and adaptable to any surface shape. Particularly suitable for light smoothing and finishing of metals, synthetic materials, woods, paintings, etc.
In rolls of 10m not sold separately. Width 115mm.

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
7781G - FLEECE ROLLS - Prod. SCU
 Cod. Art.Min. qtyCad. rotoloGrain
Cod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)7781G 120150,90120mediumbrownPiù dettagli 1.55
(*)7781G 180140,30180finebrownPiù dettagli 1.348
(*)7781G 320140,30320very finebrownPiù dettagli 0.87
(*)7781G 600140,30600ultra-finegreyPiù dettagli 0.588
(*)7781G 1200140,301200micro-finegreyPiù dettagli 0.41

Accessories - Spare parts
