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Orig. Erzett

In Corundum. Optimal speed range 25 - 40 m/sec. Particularly suitable for roughing, cleaning, polishing surfaces of wood, steel and cast iron.
Can be used on rubber holders Art. 7921 G.
Package unit Caps for Ø 5 and 11 = pcs. 100.
Package unit Caps for Ø 16 and 21 = pcs. 25.

Caps, grit 80.

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
7917G - GRINDING CAPS - Orig. Erzett
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtyØ
Cod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)7917G 5€ 1,781515 Più dettagli0.001
(*)7917G 11€ 2,0011125 Più dettagli0.001
(*)7917G 16€ 2,2611632 Più dettagli0.001
(*)7917G 21€ 2,5612140 Più dettagli0.002
