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Orig. Samoa-Hallbauer

Very high quality LITHIUM grease with excellent resistance to mechanical friction and high pressures. Significant resistance to corrosion and oxidation. In practical cartridge.
Operating temperature from -30 ° C to + 130 ° C (drop point higher than 180 ° C).

For grease cartridges that can be screwed onto the compressor Art. 3423 GBF see Art. 3423 GBM.

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
3424D - GREASE CARTRIDGES - Orig. Samoa-Hallbauer
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtyCapacity
For compressors Art.
Cod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)3424D€ 12,601400533423GC - 3423GD - 3423GE - 3423Hx500 - 3423L - 3423LE - 3423MG - 3423ZPPiù dettagli 0.43