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Orig. Richter

Professional typem, profiled in duralumin, 2 vials in shock-proof material, horizontal and vertical.
Accuracy 0.5 mm/m. Digital angle mesuring device with direct display reading in degrees and percent. Increments in 0.05°. With ON / OFF key, HOLD key for storing the measurement, beep key for angle 0 ° and 90 °, key for conversion degrees / percentage and calibration key
Accuracy of slope measuring device:
±0.5° for 0° to 90° angles
±20° for 1° to 89° angles
9 V battery operated (Art. 3600 M) included.
Length: 600mm. In case.

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
4186G - DIGITAL LEVELS - Orig. Richter
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtyCod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)4186G€ 582,00130330.865

Accessories - Spare parts
